Don’t Kill your Personal Injury Case!

Don’t kill your case! If you were injured and are considering pursuing a personal injury claim, here are the top 7 mistakes that you need to avoid!

  1. Don’t forget to take photos! If you were in a motor vehicle accident, use your smart phone to take pictures of the vehicles and location from different angles. Zoom in and out to capture everything. If possible, include witnesses and obtain their full contact information.
  2. Don’t settle with the other driver! Failing to contact the police, even in a small fender bender, can mean the difference in the outcome of a case. Even if the other driver demands settling the repairs independently, doing so may deter you from making a claim down the road – even if the fender bender turns into a case of whiplash a few days later. A police report may be essential in your case in the event there is a dispute.
  3. Don’t overlook doctor’s orders! If you were injured, make sure you see a medical professional promptly after the accident – and follow the doctor’s recommendations. If you brush off medical instructions, the opposing side can argue that your injuries really weren’t significant – especially if you skip physical therapy or physician follow up appointments.
  4. Don’t toss out any receipts and documents related to injury! Failing to save your receipts is like throwing out part of the evidence for your case! Save it all! Create a file and put all receipts related to the injury inside. Include all medical appointment documentation, prescription receipts, and anything else you may think is related to your injury.
  5. Don’t rely on your insurance company and never accept a prompt settlement offer! Avoid signing any release forms or insurance authorizations. While you need to let your insurance company know if you were in an accident, don’t supply all the details and do not allow them to record a statement. Since insurance companies are profitable entities, they seek information to strengthen their position (to pay less in compensation) versus yours, and giving too much information to your insurance company may ultimately result in lower compensation for you in a legal case. Be careful not to make any comments about the accident or injuries other than the basic facts.
  6. Don’t publicize the accident, your injuries, or a potential personal injury lawsuit in social media, via email, or in any public forums. Doing so could undermine your claim and be detrimental to your case. Always make sure that your social media accounts are private and consult with an attorney before posting during a personal injury lawsuit.
  7. Contact a reputable personal injury law firmly promptly following the injury so that a legal professional can answer your questions and guide you. The Personal Injury attorneys at Goldman and Daszkal are experienced in accident and injury cases. We have decades of experience working with aggressive insurance companies, defendants, and businesses. A reputable attorney is the key to obtaining fair compensation in personal injury cases.

Don’t kill your case! And don’t subvert your ability to obtain fair compensation from an injury due to an accident. If you believe you have a personal injury claim, contact the experienced legal team at Goldman & Daszkal, P.A. for professional legal guidance at (954) 428-9333.

Goldman & Daszkal, P.A.
Since 1990, Goldman & Daszkal, P.A. has provided reputable legal representation to people throughout the state of Florida. The firm has helped thousands of individuals recover compensation from motor vehicle and boating accidents, slip and fall accidents, product defect and liability cases, pharmacy errors, and negligent security cases to cover medical expenses, pay bills, take care of their families, and return to work. Goldman & Daszkal, P.A. can help you get the relief you need to start living your life again after a serious injury. For a free and confidential consultation, contact Goldman & Daszkal, P.A., at (954) 428-9333.